A new year, a new beginning


Swayzee EDC

Welcome to the newly launched website for the Swayzee Economic Development Corporation (EDC)! Who is the Swayzee EDC? Like many of you, we are local citizens who want to see the town of Swayzee, IN, grow and thrive for our families and community.

In February 2023, an informal group of Swayzee citizens came together to discuss what could be done to assist the town board in improving our community. During this meeting, town council member Rhonda Fagan put forward the idea to form an entity dedicated to promoting the town’s economic development. A core group decided to move forward with this idea and began meeting regularly, researching next steps, and recruiting other Swayzee residents to the cause.

On August 15, 2023, the Swayzee EDC was officially designated a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, giving us tax exempt status and making us eligible for a large number of public and private grants and community development programs. Since then, we have been working to identify those grants and programs which are right for our town.

We view the Swayzee EDC as a community effort, and we would love for you to participate in our work! The Swayzee EDC board meets monthly in the Swayzee Town Hall, usually on the third Thursday of each month.1 If you would like to attend, please fill out our contact form to find out the date and time of our next meeting.

Can’t attend the meetings? That’s okay, too! Though we’re just getting started, we hope and expect there to be many opportunities for including the entire town in the important work over the coming years. Stay tuned to this website for further news on how you can get involved!

  1. We are working to make a calendar of our upcoming meetings and events publicly available. We hope to have more details soon. ↩︎