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UPDATED (12/14/2024) Comprehensive Town Plan documents available for review
UPDATED (12/14/2024) Comprehensive Town Plan documents available for review

On Nov. 20, we again met at the Swayzee Community Church to hear from the Ball State University research team on their work develo...

Town Plan review meeting scheduled for Nov. 20
Town Plan review meeting scheduled for Nov. 20

On Oct. 16th, we met at the Swayzee Community Church to discuss the results of the town community survey and to get a glimpse of w...

Swayzee business owner awarded Economic Impact Appreciation Award
Swayzee business owner awarded Economic Impact Appreciation Award

The Swayzee EDC would like to extend its congratulations to Tammy Melton, owner of Sassy Diva Sisters Boutique in Swayzee, who was...

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