Building Indiana's future...

Building Indiana's future...

Growing our community...

Growing our community...

The only Swayzee in the world.

The only Swayzee in the world.

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Community survey results meeting scheduled for Oct. 16
Community survey results meeting scheduled for Oct. 16

September was an exciting and busy month! On Sept. 11th, we hosted our first community forum in the Swayzee Town Hall, and we coul...

Community survey now available
Community survey now available

We are excited to announce that our community survey is now available. This survey is an important part of our efforts to build a ...

Reminder: Public forum tonight at the Swayzee Town Hall!
Reminder: Public forum tonight at the Swayzee Town Hall!

Join us tonight for a public forum to help develop Swayzee’s future! We want your input to guide the development of our town...

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